Plus Ultra Pitching

Meet Courtney 🥎

Hi, I’m Courtney 👋🏼 I’m here to show you that you don’t need a lot of money or special equipment to learn how to pitch and SUCCEED. You just need to put the work in. I’m so excited you’ve found us, and I can’t wait to see your journey. Plus Ultra! 🥎

What Is â€śPlus Ultra”?

Plus Ultra is a Latin phrase that translates to “Further Beyond.” Inspired by a popular TV show, Courtney decided to make “Plus Ultra” the motto of her pitching program. It’s a call to dig deep and find a way to win. It’s a reminder to always believe in yourself and your capabilities, to know that you can take your performance to the next level.

PS—I don’t care how you pronounce “plus ultra,” as long as you embody its meaning :)